What is Bushido Leadership?


Bushido is the spiritual path and the code of conduct of the Japanese warriors (Samurai).

The path and the spirits are deeply-embedded and are still very much alive in the Japanese culture, rather like the foundations of Japanese morals and discipline.

This  spiritual path and code of conduct were handed down orally through generations.


Seven Virtues Represented in Bushido 

義 (Justice) - Power of resolution

勇 (Courage) - Doing what is right

仁 (Benevolence) - Compassion for others

礼 (Respect) - Respect for others

誠 (Sincerity) - Truthfulness to self and others

名誉 (Honor) - Personal dignity and worth

忠義 (Loyalty) - Obedience to call of duty

義 (Justice) -

勇 (Courage) -

仁 (Benevolence) -

礼 (Respect) -

誠 (Sincerity) -

名誉 (Honor) -

忠義 (Loyalty) -

Power of resolution

Doing what is right

Compassion for others

Respect for others

Truthfulness to self and others

Personal dignity and worth

Obedience to call of duty